Why is nutrition so confusing?

I have been a dietitian for almost 20 years and I think the ‘what’ of eating is going to continually evolve. I think sometimes in the nutrition world, there’s going to be fads, such as low sugar and low carb vs low fat, high protein, whatever the...

Can Being Mindful Also Be Uncomfortable?

To discuss mindfulness in May felt catchy and appropriate. Spring is the season of creation. For creation in my life, I wrote a book with a dear colleague and friend (being published!!!! ) Exciting! In the creation of the manuscript, we began to discuss if there is a...

Before & After Photos – Do They Work?

Have you ever seen photos of people before and after regarding their body changes? A photo of someone before represents what they don’t want to look like, and a photo to the right represents what they DO want to look like. I think the photo comparison is not...